
Cryptova : 1000

Aftab Ansari
Associate code- 109

Girl in a jacket

Difora talent Social work in the field of art and cultural is that have a different type of the buried talent you have you will be able to improve your buried art by uploading videos here and you will be able to get someone else's bones cryptova when you do better work than your partner art fighter, then Artificial Inelegant.

would have decided better performance was done, then the Ribel cryptova submitted on your wallet will be yours.

Hobbies: laughing
Talents: All-rounder

Difora instruction:

Upload your video more than 1 minute and 30 seconds then it is invalid. If an artist student defeat to his partner then the loser's marked Cryptova will go to the winner's wallet and it will become his Cryptova. Difora girl students cannot connect with boy students through this site make a phone call or whatsapp connectivity. In such a situation, if the information numbers match, their account will be permanently deleted for life time. If any boy students or girl students gives such information, then you will have to send their screen shot.

If you upload a video of your talent longer than 1 minute 30 seconds, your video will be rejected. And your won Rebels Cryptowa will be shown after 2 days. Both partners can upload the video on the same day or at the same time, at a distance of 1 hour. And the topic of both their talent videos should also be the same. For example, if one person has a speech subject, the other should also have a video. There should not be videos of different talents.To challenge your partner as to who has done better prformance in the same art, serch and connect your partner from any state or district of India, talk to her over email or WhatsApp and both can upload the video of your respective talent.

You can withdraw the winning Cryptova amount into your account or into the account of your blood relative, it will not be transferred to anyone else except parents and siblings. After joining you must have 100 Cryptovain wallet you will do all withdrawals and if wallet is zero then account will be deleted for life time you will not be able to login again for whole life. And you will also have to remember your secret code and enter it at the time of withdrawal Cryptova.

join now withdraw the winning Cryptova amount into your account or into the account of your blood relative, it will not be transferred to anyone else except parents and siblings. After joining you must have 100 Cryptovain wallet you will do all withdrawals and if wallet is zero then account will be deleted for life time you will not be able to login again for whole life. And you will also have to remember your secret code and enter it at the time of withdrawal Cryptova.

Any kind of information, any good suggestion, any complaint, any question related to this program, opinion or anything that is not understood can be asked, the answer will be sent to your email.

The video of who defeated whom in talent can be seen from here. And to whom did cryotova achieved you can see stutus result.

Dangerous Zone: Keep in mind that no matter the reason, once you delete your account, you will never be able to log in here again in your life. After uploading the account to which you will send, the entire amount of the wallet will be sent to the same bank account.

Videos of all the rescuers of India can be seen here. There are all types of artists in this video online video sharing and social media worldwide.

Cryptova : 1000

Sunil kumar
Associate code- 1010

Girl in a jacket

Difora talent Social work in the field of art and cultural is that have a different type of the buried talent you have you will be able to improve your buried art by uploading videos here and you will be able to get someone else's bones cryptova when you do better work than your partner art fighter, then Artificial Inelegant.

would have decided better performance was done, then the Ribel cryptova submitted on your wallet will be yours.

Hobbies: laughing
Talents: All-rounder

Difora instruction:

Upload your video more than 1 minute and 30 seconds then it is invalid. If an artist student defeat to his partner then the loser's marked Cryptova will go to the winner's wallet and it will become his Cryptova. Difora girl students cannot connect with boy students through this site make a phone call or whatsapp connectivity. In such a situation, if the information numbers match, their account will be permanently deleted for life time. If any boy students or girl students gives such information, then you will have to send their screen shot.

If you upload a video of your talent longer than 1 minute 30 seconds, your video will be rejected. And your won Rebels Cryptowa will be shown after 2 days. Both partners can upload the video on the same day or at the same time, at a distance of 1 hour. And the topic of both their talent videos should also be the same. For example, if one person has a speech subject, the other should also have a video. There should not be videos of different talents.To challenge your partner as to who has done better prformance in the same art, serch and connect your partner from any state or district of India, talk to her over email or WhatsApp and both can upload the video of your respective talent.

You can withdraw the winning Cryptova amount into your account or into the account of your blood relative, it will not be transferred to anyone else except parents and siblings. After joining you must have 100 Cryptovain wallet you will do all withdrawals and if wallet is zero then account will be deleted for life time you will not be able to login again for whole life. And you will also have to remember your secret code and enter it at the time of withdrawal Cryptova.

join now withdraw the winning Cryptova amount into your account or into the account of your blood relative, it will not be transferred to anyone else except parents and siblings. After joining you must have 100 Cryptovain wallet you will do all withdrawals and if wallet is zero then account will be deleted for life time you will not be able to login again for whole life. And you will also have to remember your secret code and enter it at the time of withdrawal Cryptova.

Any kind of information, any good suggestion, any complaint, any question related to this program, opinion or anything that is not understood can be asked, the answer will be sent to your email.

The video of who defeated whom in talent can be seen from here. And to whom did cryotova achieved you can see stutus result.

Dangerous Zone: Keep in mind that no matter the reason, once you delete your account, you will never be able to log in here again in your life. After uploading the account to which you will send, the entire amount of the wallet will be sent to the same bank account.

Videos of all the rescuers of India can be seen here. There are all types of artists in this video online video sharing and social media worldwide.